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تعنى هذه المادة بدراسة مجموعة من أنظمة الإسلام في ضوء التطور الحديث في العالم المعاصر ، وهي تبحث في التعريف بالنظام الإسلامي وبيان خصائصه ومصادره ، وتسلط الضوء على تسعة من هذه الأنظمة ، وهي نظام العبادات ، النظام التربوي ، نظام الأسرة في الإسلام ، النظام الإقتصادي ، النظام السياسي ، نظام العلاقات الدواية ، نظام العقوبات
السنة الأولى
This course examines three of the most important fiqh topics, which are
1. Purity in terms of sections of water, impure and cleansed, and the provisions of ablution, washing, menstruation and postpartum, wiping over socks, rulings of splints and spells, and tayammum
2. Prayer, in terms of its importance, legitimacy, times, pillars and conditions, omission in it, the prayers and the provisions of funerals
3. Fasting in terms of its legitimacy, importance, conditions, pillars, nullities, elderly fasting, i'tikaaf and its provisions & nbsp;
First year
تشتمل هذه المادة فقه الزكاة : تعريفها ومشروعيتها وشروطها ،  والأموال التي تجب فيها ، من زروع وثمار وذهب وفضة وعروض تجارة ومعادن ومستغلات ، وأسهم وسندات ، وعلاقة الزكاة بالضريبة ، ومصارف الزكاة وصدقة الفطر .
فقه الصوم: تعريفه ومشروعيته ، وشروطه وسننه وآدابه ، ومفسداته والأعذار التي تبيح الفطر ، وقضاء الصوم والاعتكاف .
الحج : تعريفه ومشروعيته وأحكامه ، وأنواعه والإحرام ومحظوراته ، والحج عن الغير وصفة الحج والعمرة 
السنة الثانية
This article deals with an introduction to the analysis and prohibition, jurisprudence of faith in terms of the definition of the oath, its legitimacy and its types, the factors affecting the right, the atonement of the oath, the jurisprudence of vows in terms of their definition and types, and the jurisprudential rulings that follow them, the jurisprudence of foods and beverages, hunting and sacrifices, clothing and adornment
Second Year
This argument deals with the concept of the state and its modern pillars, the people of the solution and the contract, the pledge of election, constitutional reform, the legal state, political legitimacy, the legal policy, the rule of law, and how it is applied in the modern state, means of delegation of authority, types of powers, restrictions on state authority, guarantees State restraint, constitutional sanction resulting from the deviation of those exercising power withdrawing confidence, prosecution
Second Year
This article deals with the concept of the marriage contract, its effects and methods of dissolution (divorce, divorce, separation of the judiciary due to apostasy, defects, backbiting or insolvency by alimony and dowry, and also includes the effects of the marriage contract of descent, kitty, breastfeeding, and custody
Second Year
This article deals with the jurisprudential provisions related to inheritance in terms of its definition and evidence, the rights related to inheritance, the causes of the inheritance, its conditions and prohibitions, the owners of the assumptions, the bands, the withholding of the inheritance, the origins of the issues and their correction, the reliability, response, and transcripts, the inheritance of the wombs, the pregnancy and the lost, and the provisions of the will from As per its concept, legitimacy, rulings, amount, and due will and rulings.
Third Year
This article deals with the general principles in Islamic criminal legislation, as well as the elements and types of crime; the limits of punitive punishment, and searches for border crimes; adultery, theft, libel, drinking, apostasy, and kinship, and deals with the types of killing; Jurisprudence
Third Year
This article deals with an introduction to jurisprudence in terms of its concept, origination, and the difference between it and other sciences. It also details in detail the five major rules and their applications and the sub-rules under it, and links the branch and origin as a model for graduating branches on the origins
the fourth year
This article deals with an introduction to the characteristics of the transaction system in Islam, and its approach to dealing with emerging issues, as well as moral rights, retreats, insurance and the Islamic alternative to it, as well as the issue of money and its origins, and changing the value of commercial and financial securities (stocks and bonds) & nbsp; ), Bills of exchange, & nbsp; .
It also deals with Islamic banking transactions: bank deposits, transfers, Murabaha sale of the order to purchase, letters of credit, documentary credits, lease ending in ownership. & nbsp;
the fourth year
Among the most important subjects taught in the Department of Jurisprudence, a mandatory requirement for specialization in jurisprudence and its assets, level of a third year or more, deals with the provisions of financial transactions from sale and leasing and the provisions of usury, companies, agriculture and almsqa, a juristic study of old books of jurisprudence with a link to contemporary reality and what is in it Developments.
Third Year
This article is concerned with the study of jurisprudential issues from the books of the rulings of the Qur’an, and the jurisprudence of the Sunnah such as the provisions of Surat Al-Fatihah, Basmalah and seeking refuge and the rule of touching the Qur’an and reading it to the side and the speaker, and the provisions of photography, magic and kiss, sight and permission and the provisions of the adornment of Muslim women in terms of what is permissible and what is forbidden, And other matters, and aims to link the student with the books of the provisions of the Qur’an and books of jurisprudence and annotations of the Sunnah, and how to derive from the texts of the Qur’an and Sunnah
سنة ثانية